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Virtual Victim Awareness Program

Live Class Schedule

Register $80.00

About This Service


Virtual Victim Awareness Program

Virtual Two-hour program designed to show the life-altering and sometimes fatal consequences of drinking and driving.  Participants hear first hand through live presentations given by actual victims, family members of victims and actual DUI offenders the true human costs that are experienced as a result of drinking and driving.

The mission of this course is to achieve behavior modification by showing the participants the potential harrowing results of their continued drinking and driving.

Course Highlights

A two (2) hour program consisting of the following components that are used to influence and change driving behavior patterns:

  • Education - the statistical, financial and emotional impact their driving has on the community.
  • Audio Visual Media - newspaper articles/current events, and video.
  • Victim Impact Panel - consisting of individual(s) who have suffered permanent injury or lost a loved one as a result of DUI and other offense.
  • Facilitator Discussion - facilitator involves students in discussion of the information being presented and deals directly with irresponsible driving behavior and its effects on the community.

One to two days before the scheduled class begins, a link will be sent to the email address that was entered at the time of registration.  Our Virtual Classes are held using GoToMeeting.  Please ensure that your electronic device is capable of streaming video, that your camera and microphone is fully functional and that your internet bandwidth is sufficient to handle audio/video conferencing.  

Certificates of completion will be emailed on the next business day following the completion of the class.  

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 View Schedule

 Weekend or Friday evening enrollments will need to pickup certificate the following business day.
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Select Day/Time Language Location
 Enroll $80.00
Wed, Mar 19 2025
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
English  Map Virtual,


Purpose of the Victim Awareness Program

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