Purpose of Special Supervision Services (SSS)
A voluntary program for individuals with 5 and 10 year driver's license and permanent revocations who apply for Special Supervision Services to demonstrate eligibility for “Business Purpose Only” or "Employment Purposes Only" licenses. Required by DHSMV for restricted licenses, if the individual is to legally drive during the court or DHSMV established revocation periods. Approved by the State of Florida.
To help ensure the individual with the revoked license, will comply with Florida laws [FS 322.271] in order to be granted the privilege of a restricted license.
- Must wait one year of the five-year revocation before application.
- No operation of a motor vehicle, and no substance-related or driving arrests during this one-year period.
- Must have completed a Level II DUI program since the last DUI arrest.
- Must be enrolled or have completed any recommended treatment required by the DUI Program.
- Must have one-year abstinence from alcohol and other drugs prior to beginning SSS.
- Produce a valid photo ID.
- Have a recent revocation/conviction review report from the FL DHSMV.
- Must complete a Statutory Eligibility Review Hearing at the FL DHSMV and present FL DHSMV results letter at application.
- Must wait two years of the ten-year revocation before application. No operation of a motor vehicle, and no substance-related or driving arrests during at least the one-year period prior to application.
- Must have completed a Level II DUI program since the last DUI arrest.
- Must have completed any recommended treatment required by the DUI Program.
- Must have one-year abstinence from alcohol and other drugs prior to beginning SSS.
- Produce a valid photo ID.
- Have a recent revocation/conviction review report from the FL DHSMV.
- Must complete a Statutory Eligibility Review Hearing at the FL DHSMV and present FL DHSMV results letter at application.
- An Exemption to the Application Eligibility limitation to 5 or 10 year revocations are those drivers with one DUI arrest and conviction in their lifetime but have a permanent revocation based upon the one DUI offense – DUI Manslaughter. The eligibility waiting period is five-years with no alcohol use, no driving during the 5 year period, and no substance-related arrests during the five-year period. The five-year waiting period begins after incarceration ends.
Review & Approval:
- A recommendation is made to the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles Bureau of Administrative Reviews. Ignition Interlock may be required under Court Order for multiple offenders under Florida Statutes: 316.193 (4c); 316.1937, and 316.1938.
- If the DHSMV also recommends approval, the applicant becomes an S.S.S. client for the remainder of the revocation period and must comply with all S.S.S. Program requirements. These requirements include regularly scheduled follow-up appointments with FSC; required support group attendance; random, unannounced drug/alcohol tests; and twice a year arrest and driving record reviews.
There is an opportunity for persons with 4 DUI’s whose driver license is permanently revoked to secure a restricted license.
- Has served 5 years of the revocation period.
- Has not been arrested for a drug-related offense for at least 5 years prior to filing the petition.
- Has not driven a motor vehicle without a license for at least 5 years prior to the hearing.
- Has been drug-free for at least 5 years prior to the hearing.
- Has completed a DUI program licensed by the Department.
At the hearing, the department shall determine the applicant’s qualifications, fitness, and need to drive. The reinstatement shall be subject to the following qualifications:
- The applicant’s license must be restricted for employment purposes;
- The applicant must be accepted by a DUI Special Supervision Services (SSS) program licensed by the department. The process to gain acceptance into that SSS program is:
- Applicant completes a psychometric exam to identify risk factors;
- Certified program staff (staff) analyze driver record;
- Staff analyze FDLE record;
- Staff review Letters of Abstinence from employers, neighbors, family;
- Applicant completes chemical testing;
- Staff review medical records, previous DUI program records, prior treatment records and chemical test results;
- Staff gather any additional information indicated;
- Evaluator meets with applicant face to face conducting a bio-psychosocial evaluation reviewing historical and current information related to their family, physical health, mental health, treatment for physical or mental problems, employment, education, and use of substances.
All of the above information is analyzed and presented to a staffing committee at the DUI program. A decision is then made that the client is a good or bad risk to re-license.
If a client is determined to be a good risk, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles makes the final determination to license or not. If the person is re-licensed, they must adhere to the following requirements at the DUI program:
- Install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) on the vehicle to be used for a minimum of five years, meeting all requirements of that program;
- Maintain abstinence from alcohol and other drugs;
- Meet with an evaluator at the DUI program monthly for supervision;
- Participate in any required treatment;
- Participate in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous meetings;
- Complete random chemical testing;
- Have no issues with their criminal or driver record.
If the petitioner does not comply with the required supervision noted above, the program will report the failure to the Department, and the Department will cancel the person's driving privilege.
The Supervision applicant must have all documentation in hand at application to verify eligibility.